
Paris: Ville de Paris &
Suburban Population: 1954-2005

Sector 1954 2005 Change % Change Share of Change
Ville de Paris 2,850,000 2,154,000 (696,000) -24.4% -17.0%
Suburbs 4,467,000 9,246,000 4,779,000 107.0% 117.0%
Ile-de-France (Present Area) 7,317,000 11,400,000 4,083,000 55.8% 100.0%
Based upon analysis of INSEE data          

Demographia: Affiliated with The Public Purpose, Twice A National Journal Top Internet Site
Demographia is "pro-choice" with respect to urban development.
People should have the freedom to live and work where and how they like.
(c) 1994-2006 --- --- Wendell Cox Consultancy --- Permission granted for use with attribution.