
Trends in Large US Church
Membership from 1960

CHURCH MEMBERSHIP (In Millions)            
Church 1960 Membership Rank 2002-4 Membership Rank Change Rank
African Methodist Episcopal Church 1,166 16 2,500 10 114.4% 2
American Baptist Churches in the USA 1,521 13 1,434 14 -5.7% 9
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 1,801 12 786 16 -56.4% 16
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) 1,487 14 5,599 4 276.5% 1
Churches of Christ 2,163 10 1,500 12 -30.7% 13
Episcopal Church 3,444 7 2,320 11 -32.6% 14
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 5,300 4 4,985 6 -5.9% 10
Greek Orthodox Diocese of North and South America 1,200 15 1,500 12 25.0% 6
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod 2,391 9 2,513 9 5.1% 7
National Baptist Convention of America 2,669 8 3,500 7 31.1% 5
National Baptist Convention USA 5,256 5 5,000 5 -4.9% 8
Presbyterian Church (USA) 4,108 6 3,241 8 -21.1% 11
Roman Catholic Church 42,105 1 66,407 1 57.7% 4
Southern Baptist Convention 9,732 3 16,248 2 67.0% 3
United Church of Christ 2,022 11 1,297 15 -35.9% 15
United Methodist Church 10,798 2 8,251 3 -23.6% 12
Church 1960 Members per 1,000 Population Rank 2002-4 Members per 1,000 Population Rank Change Rank
African Methodist Episcopal Church 6.5 16 8.7 10 34.0% 2
American Baptist Churches in the USA 8.5 13 5.0 14 -41.1% 9
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 10.0 12 2.7 16 -72.7% 16
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) 8.3 14 19.4 4 135.4% 1
Churches of Christ 12.0 10 5.2 12 -56.7% 13
Episcopal Church 19.1 7 8.1 11 -57.9% 14
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 29.4 4 17.3 6 -41.2% 10
Greek Orthodox Diocese of North and South America 6.7 15 5.2 12 -21.9% 6
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod 13.3 9 8.7 9 -34.3% 7
National Baptist Convention of America 14.8 8 12.2 7 -18.0% 5
National Baptist Convention USA 29.2 5 17.4 5 -40.5% 8
Presbyterian Church (USA) 22.8 6 11.3 8 -50.7% 11
Roman Catholic Church 233.9 1 230.6 1 -1.4% 4
Southern Baptist Convention 54.1 3 56.4 2 4.4% 3
United Church of Christ 11.2 11 4.5 15 -59.9% 15
United Methodist Church 60.0 2 28.7 3 -52.2% 12
Calculated from data in World Almanac and Yearbook of American Churches          

Demographia: Affiliated with The Public Purpose, Twice A National Journal Top Internet Site
Demographia is "pro-choice" with respect to urban development.
People should have the freedom to live and work where and how they like.
(c) 1994-2005 --- --- Wendell Cox Consultancy --- Permission granted for use with attribution.